English Art (In-Person Class)

Dr. Sara N. James

Art in Early Medieval England: 600-1150: Dispelling the Myths of the Dark Ages and Exploring England’s Unsung Golden Age

Staunton Augusta Art Center located at 20 S. New Street - Staunton
Tuesday from 1:30 pm to 3 pm.
September 28, October 5, 12 & 19. (4 sessions)
TUITION: $ 100 for members and $130 for non members


Art in Late Medieval England: 1150-1350: Variations on a Gothic Theme
Location:  Staunton Augusta Art Center located at 20 S. New Street - Staunton
Tuesday from 1:30 pm to 3 pm.
November 16, 23,30 & December 7 (4 weeks)
TUITION: $ 100 for members and $130 for non members

There’s nothing dark about England in the Early Middle Ages! In spite of marauders and three incursions of Nordic and Germanic peoples, English monasteries carry the candle of European civilization, and light the way for artistic achievements on the continent, especially in France and Germany. In 1066, the Norman Conquest brings an innovative blending of indigenous and Norman forms, which extends to architecture, manuscripts, decorative arts, and sculpture.

Material: These courses will be organized according to Sara N. James’s book, which is available online: Art in England: The Saxons to the Tudors: 600-1600. Oxford [UK]: Oxbow/Casemate, 2016.  [Hardback, ISBN: 9781785702235]. The best price is from the publisher: https://www.oxbowbooks.com/dbbc/art-in-england.html
